Adorables, encantadoras…
así son ellas,
imaginadas o reales,
del pasado o actuales…
no podemos dejar de tener un gesto en su HONOR.
La revista Yank también lo tuvo…
… para más info o curiosear:
… para más info o curiosear:
Un poco de historia:
Una pin-up es una fotografía u otro tipo de ilustración de una chica en actitud sugerente o incluso, nada más que con una sonrisa, saludando o mirando a la cámara fotográfica, que suele figurar en las portadas de revistas, comic-books o calendarios, etc. A las modelos que posan para estas obras se las denomina pin-up girls. En la actualidad (principios del siglo XXI), son generalmente modelos fotográficos, actrices de cine, cantantes o modelos de Alta Costura o Prêt-à-porter, siendo poco frecuente que una pin-up se dedique exclusivamente a eso.
El término inglés cheesecake (literalmente «pastel de queso») es un sinónimo de pin-up. El uso más antiguo del término cheesecake con este significado está documentado en el año 1934, pero se popularizó unos 20 años más tarde, con la frase (refiriéndose a una mujer guapa) better than a cheesecake (mejor que un pastel de queso). Su equivalente masculino son los beefcake (pastel de carne).
En general, las imágenes de pin-up no fueron consideradas pornográficas, y, en la actualidad, (principios de siglo XXI), sólo son censuradas en algunos países, en su mayoría, integristas islámicos. En algunos países donde la mayoría de la población es musulmana, las fotografías de pin-up figuran en la última página de los periódicos, en lugar de en la primera, para que no estén a la vista de los transeuntes cuando están expuestos para su venta, por considerarlo más conforme con la moral, usos y costumbres locales.
Lovely, beautiful …
well they are,
real or imaginary
in the past or present …
we must make a gesture in his honor.
Yank magazine also had …
… for more information or gossip:
A little history:
A pin-up is a photograph or other illustration of a girl in suggestive or even attitude, nothing but a smile, greeting or looking at the camera, often appear on the covers of magazines, comic books or calendars , etc. In the models who pose for these works are called pin-up girls. At present (early century), are generally photographic models, actresses, singers or models Couture or Prêt-à-porter, still rare that a pin-up is dedicated exclusively to that.
The English word cheesecake (literally «cheese cake«) is synonymous with pin-up. The earliest use of the term cheesecake with this meaning is documented in 1934, but became popular about 20 years later, with the phrase (referring to a beautiful woman) better than a cheesecake (better than a cheesecake). Her male counterpart is the beefcake (meat pie).
In general, pin-up images were not considered pornographic, and currently (early century), only censored in some countries, mostly Islamic fundamentalists. In some countries where the majority of the population is Muslim, the pin-up photos are on the last page of the newspapers, rather than in the first, so they are not in sight of passers when exposed for sale , as being more consistent with the moral, local customs.
A pin-up is a photograph or other illustration of a girl in suggestive or even attitude, nothing but a smile, greeting or looking at the camera, often appear on the covers of magazines, comic books or calendars , etc. In the models who pose for these works are called pin-up girls. At present (early century), are generally photographic models, actresses, singers or models Couture or Prêt-à-porter, still rare that a pin-up is dedicated exclusively to that.
The English word cheesecake (literally «cheese cake«) is synonymous with pin-up. The earliest use of the term cheesecake with this meaning is documented in 1934, but became popular about 20 years later, with the phrase (referring to a beautiful woman) better than a cheesecake (better than a cheesecake). Her male counterpart is the beefcake (meat pie).
In general, pin-up images were not considered pornographic, and currently (early century), only censored in some countries, mostly Islamic fundamentalists. In some countries where the majority of the population is Muslim, the pin-up photos are on the last page of the newspapers, rather than in the first, so they are not in sight of passers when exposed for sale , as being more consistent with the moral, local customs.