¿Que es «Vintage» y que no lo es??? Hemos pasado de repudiar los viejos trastos de la casa de la abuela a adorarlos y perseguirlos hasta hacernos con ellos!!! ¿Será el salto generacional?
Desde los detalles a los grandes elementos decorativos, el vintage está en el aire y en las casas!!!! Todos nos subimos al carro del vintage, pero ¿todo es vintage? o sólo lo son aquellas piezas que de verdad son exclusivas, originales, únicas… y escasas!!! ¿se puede «imitar» el vintage o crearlo?, eso es vintage o falso vintage…
Como se sabe en decoración todo vale (como en moda) si se combina con arte y originalidad, pero sabemos de verdad de donde viene eso que ahora llamamos «vintage»???
Vintage es el término empleado para referirse a objetos o accesorios de calidad que presentan cierta edad, los cuales sin embargo no pueden aun catalogarse como antigüedades. En la actualidad, el término se ha generalizado y se utiliza para designar instrumentos musicales, automóviles, libros o fotografías.
La palabra inglesa vintage proviene del anglo-normando vintage, y éste a su vez del francés antiguo vendage. Por su parte, vendage es una evolución de la palabra latina vindemia (de vīnum “vino” + dēmō “quitar”). Demo a su vez está compuesto de las partículas «de» + «emō» (“obtener”).
La utilización de esta palabra por las distintas bodegas para referirse a los vinos producto de sus mejores cosechas ha hecho que su significado haya derivado a todo producto antiguo de calidad. Es el equivalente a retro o clásico en castellano, o de crianza en terminología enólogica. Este anglicismo se utiliza especialmente para referirse a la moda y el diseño posteriores a los años 1900.
Así que tenemos que dar la gracias a los buenos vinos por regalarnos este término y todo lo que él engloba.
Para más cositas VINTAGE:
What is «Vintage» and what is not?? We have went to repudiate the old junk from Grandma’s house to love and follow them! Is the generation gap?
From the details to the large decorative elements, the vintage is in the air and at home!! We all got into the vintage move, but everything is vintage? or just what are those things that really are exclusive, original, unique … and rare! Is it possible to «emulate» the vintage or create it?, That’s vintage or vintage fake …
As is known in decorating anything goes (as in fashion) when combined with skill and originality, but really know where it comes from what we now call «vintage»??
From the details to the large decorative elements, the vintage is in the air and at home!! We all got into the vintage move, but everything is vintage? or just what are those things that really are exclusive, original, unique … and rare! Is it possible to «emulate» the vintage or create it?, That’s vintage or vintage fake …
As is known in decorating anything goes (as in fashion) when combined with skill and originality, but really know where it comes from what we now call «vintage»??
According to WIKIPEDIA:
Vintage is the term used to refer to objects or quality accessories that present a certain age, which however can not even be classified as antiques. Today, the term has been generalized and used to describe musical instruments, cars, books or photographs.
The word vintage comes from the Anglo-Norman vintage, and this in turn from Old French vendage. Meanwhile, vendage is an evolution from the Latin word vindemia (from vinum «wine» demo «remove»). Demo in turn is composed of particles «of» «emo» («get»).
The use of this word by the wineries to refer to the product of their best wines crops that its meaning has been derived to all your old product quality. It is the equivalent of retro or classic Spanish, or foster winemaking terminology. This is especially used anglicized to refer to the fashion and design after the 1900.
The word vintage comes from the Anglo-Norman vintage, and this in turn from Old French vendage. Meanwhile, vendage is an evolution from the Latin word vindemia (from vinum «wine» demo «remove»). Demo in turn is composed of particles «of» «emo» («get»).
The use of this word by the wineries to refer to the product of their best wines crops that its meaning has been derived to all your old product quality. It is the equivalent of retro or classic Spanish, or foster winemaking terminology. This is especially used anglicized to refer to the fashion and design after the 1900.
So we have to give thanks to the good wines for giving us this term and all that it encompasses.
For more things VINTAGE: